2018年9月9日 星期日


該報在 9 月 7 日的一篇文章中爆了個猛料,說阿里巴巴的聯合創始人兼董事長馬雲計畫在下週一辭職,今後將投身於與教育相關的慈善事業。
眾所周知,馬雲在創立阿里巴巴之前,曾在大學擔任過英語老師,9 月 10 日教師節這一天正好也是他的生日。
馬雲要退休了,這樣的重磅消息自然是一石激起千層浪,中外媒體紛紛轉載,阿里巴巴的股價在本週五盤後一度下跌 3.77%。
在這段文字的處理中,《紐約時報》很狡猾地用了「在一次採訪中」(in an interview)的表述,既沒有給出原文鏈接,也沒有明確表示是獨家採訪。
在彭博社的那次採訪中,馬雲提到了回歸講台的可能:「我覺得在某一天,很快,我會回去教書。比起當阿里巴巴 CEO,我更有信心做好教師的工作。」
▲ 多哥總統帶部長團訪問阿里巴巴 圖片來自:視覺中國
▲ 馬雲率隊夜訪茅台 圖片來自:視覺中國
就在《紐約時報》爆出馬雲要退休的消息當天,他正在杭州接待多哥總統福雷,這是他 5 天以來見的第 5 位總統。見完多哥總統的當晚,馬雲又連夜帶著團隊出現在貴州茅台總部,與對方商討大數據合作事宜。如此繁忙的行程,實在看不出一絲下週一要退休的跡象。
出處: | 愛范兒 https://www.ifanr.com/1097659

180909 Jack Ma to unveil Alibaba’s succession plan, paving the way for younger talent to take over


Ma will remain executive chairman while the plan is carried out. A New York Times report that said he was “stepping down” to “retire” was out of context, and factually wrong, an Alibaba spokesman said

Jack Ma, who co-founded the world’s largest e-commerce platform, will unveil a succession strategy next week, part of a management plan 10 years in the making for grooming a generation of younger executives to take over the reins of Asia’s most valuable company.

Ma, the executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding and public face of the technology juggernaut, will unveil the plan on September 10 on his 54th birthday.

An Alibaba spokesman said Ma remains the company’s executive chairman and will provide transition plans over a significant period of time, contrary to a New York Times article that said he was “stepping down” to “retire.” The Times story was taken out of context, and factually wrong, the spokesman said.

According to Alibaba’s annual report filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Ma is a lifetime member of the Alibaba Partnership, a group of 36 senior managers who are responsible for maintaining the mission and culture of Alibaba.

“I sat down with our senior executives 10 years ago, and asked what Alibaba would do without me,” Ma said in an interview with the South China Morning Post, which Alibaba owns. “I’m very proud that Alibaba now has the structure, corporate culture, governance and system for grooming talent that allows me to step away without causing disruption.”

Known as Ma Yun in mainland China, he is scheduled to be in Russia next week to formalise Alibaba’s venture with Mail.ru, the internet company owned by Russian tycoon Alisher Usmanov and sovereign wealth fund Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Ma will also speak at the company’s investor’s day in mid September.

More travelling is scheduled for the businessman, including a trip to Cape Town, where Ma has promised to fulfil his pledge to help South African President Cyril Ramaphosa set up a digital training centre to nurture entrepreneurship among the youth.

The succession plan would make Alibaba one of the very few Asian companies that consciously detaches its corporate structure and daily operations from the founder. The Hangzhou-based company, which began as an e-commerce marketplace founded with US$60,000, has taken less than two decades to expand into a US$420 billion juggernaut in online shopping, cashless payments, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and even Hollywood movies. Alibaba has more than 86,000 employees on staff.

Ma is one of China’s wealthiest men, with his net worth estimated at US$40 billion by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Help solve problems for the world, Jack Ma urges youth
A former English teacher before establishing Alibaba with 17 partners, Ma is known by colleagues as “Teacher Ma.”

He also carries the nom de guerre of fengqingyang - keeping with Alibaba’s tradition of using nicknames from the wuxia genre of Chinese literature - after the hermit master swordsman of one of Louis Cha’s epics.

Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group Holding, during a Bloomberg Television interview on the sidelines of the Xin Philanthropy Conference in Hangzhou on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. Photo: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg
He has mostly detached himself from operational matters and the daily management of his sprawling business empire since stepping down as chief executive officer in 2013, dedicating more of his time and wealth to philanthropy through the Jack Ma Foundation, following in the footsteps of Microsoft Corp’s founder Bill Gates.

“There are a lot of things I can learn from Bill Gates. I can never be as rich, but one thing I can do better is to retire earlier,” Ma said during an interview last week with Bloomberg Television. “I think some day, and soon, I’ll go back to teaching. This is something I think I can do much better than being CEO of Alibaba.”

Succession planning for a company barely out of its teens underscores its founders’ commitment of handing down a corporate structure that can outlast them. That contrasts with the tycoons of Asia, where 85 per cent of billionaires face a shift from first-generation founders to their successors, according to a 2016 UBS report that tracked 1,400 billionaires over 20 years.

As a general rule, research indicates there is roughly a 30 per cent survival rate for family businesses in the second generation, deteriorating to 12 per cent in the third. Only 3 to 4 per cent usually make it to the fourth generation and beyond, UBS said.

Since handing off his CEO title to Daniel Zhang, Ma has spent 40 per cent of the year travelling the globe to preach about the virtues of globalisation and inter-connectedness, the potential of technology to improve lives, and about philanthropy.

“There are so many things that I want to devote my time to - education, the environment, philanthropy,” Ma said, denying that he’s thinking of handing over the reins at a time when the business environment has soured. “Anybody who knows me knows I embrace the future. This is not about retiring, stepping away, or backing off. This is a systematic plan.”

Alibaba’s sprawling businesses are now managed by a dozen senior managers: Zhang as CEO; Simon Hu is president of the cloud computing business; Trudy Dai runs the business-to-business e-commerce marketplace; Yang Weidong manages digital media and entertainment; Jiang Fan runs Taobao, while Jet Jing runs Tmall.


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【阿里國際站】九月採購節 2018.9.4~9.30

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