2014年5月7日 星期三

阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com) 在美國股票上市IPO : 140507頭條財經新聞摘錄

從去年開始所有媒體廣泛報導阿里巴巴集團(ALIBABA GROUP , 包含 Alibaba.com B2B 國際站 , Alibabab 1688 中文站 , 淘寶網 , 天貓網 , 一淘網, 聚划算 , 阿里雲) 準備在哪上市, 香港 , 倫敦 , 上海 , 紐約.....等等吵翻天(很奇怪的是怎麼沒有人提到台灣來上市阿, 呵呵! 我們金管會真的招商不利阿).

而在今天一早起床打開IPAD 先看一下 FEEDLY 有沒有甚麼新鮮事, 發現頭條新聞就是阿里巴巴確定要在美國上市, 網路傳播速度可真快, 一下子全球財經媒體就一則接一擇出來, 我用 GOOGLE SEARCH " ALIBABA IPO " 就有276條再報導此新聞, 可真熱鬧, 相信接下來這段期間肯定有更多新聞報導與評論, 以下彙整幾家主流財經媒體報導此新聞, 讓大家也跟上腳步!!!!

REUTERS [China's Alibaba embarks on U.S. IPO journey] http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/05/06/alibaba-ipo-idINL2N0NS1YA20140506

USA TODAY MONEY [Alibaba IPO most likely to top $1 billion] http://americasmarkets.usatoday.com/2014/05/06/alibaba-files-for-ipo-after-long-wait/

THE FINANCIAL TIMES [Alibaba makes its case for bumper US IPO] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a8bde0a4-d559-11e3-9bca-00144feabdc0.html#axzz30yx9V6OU

MARKETWATCH [Alibaba IPO faces this U.S. hurdle: What is it?] http://www.marketwatch.com/story/alibaba-ipo-sparks-excitement-caution-2014-05-05

CNBC [E-commerce giant Alibaba files for an IPO]http://www.cnbc.com/id/101598851

NEW YORK TIMES [After Alibaba I.P.O., a Test for Yahoo Executives] http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/07/technology/after-alibaba-ipo-a-test-for-yahoo-executives.html?_r=

TIMES [Alibaba'S Massive U.S. IPO Could Top Facebook'S Debut] http://time.com/90011/alibaba-ipo/

GUARDIAN [China e-commerce giant Alibaba files for IPO in US] http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/may/06/china-alibaba-us-ipo

Alibaba Files to Go Public in US IPO of E-Commerce Giant

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., which rode China’s emergence as an economic superpower over the past 15 years to become a massive online marketplace for everything from forks to forklifts, filed today for what could become the largest U.S. initial public offering ever.

The amount of $1 billion in a U.S. regulatory filing is a placeholder used to calculate registration fees that will change. Alibaba didn’t specify how many shares it will offer in its IPO or what valuation it will seek. Those details will be provided closer to the actual sale.

Founded by former English teacher Jack Ma, 49, in a Hangzhou apartment, Alibaba started with a few dozen items for sale. Alibaba’s market value is estimated at $168 billion, bigger than 95 percent of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index -- and the most valuable Internet company after Google Inc., according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Alibaba IPO May Be the Largest Ever in the U.S.

The company is looking to sell about a 12 percent stake, people familiar with the matter have said, which would make the offering around $20 billion based on the estimated value, topping a $19.65 billion offering by Visa Inc. in 2008, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

With today’s filing, Alibaba begins a process that will take several months before it becomes a publicly traded company -- and involve revisions to the document and meetings with investors during a formal roadshow, after which a price for the shares will be set. The company also has to decide whether to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq Stock Market.

Alibaba now provides various marketplaces for buyers and sellers, as well as services that help them conduct their businesses. Taobao Marketplace, founded in 2003, enables millions of individuals and small businesses to sell products. Tmall.com operates as a virtual shopping mall, with retailers and brands offering products. Alibaba’s other businesses include Juhuasuan, a flash-sales model, and eTao, a shopping search engine.