當看到Google的營收及獲利不斷破錶後,Yahoo!旗下的Overture以及YPN (Yahoo! Publisher Network, 也就是類似Google Adsense)進展也是頗神速,市場原本的合作模式也不斷地出現變化,先是亞洲版的Firefox從原本指定使用的Google改成Yahoo!搜尋,Amazon的A9及Alexa搜尋也從Google換成新的Microsoft Live搜尋(從 2006.0501開始),現在則是據傳微軟將砸下20億美元建置與Google同等級的搜尋平台來搶食全球搜尋大餅。
Amazon web search switches to Microsoft
Amazon's A9 and Alexa appear to have switched from using Google to power their web search to using Microsoft's Windows Live Search (aka MSN Search).I wonder if this is a sign of increasing collaboration between the two Seattle area companies.[via Google Operating System, John Battelle, Nicholas Carr, and Threadwatch]Update: Seattle PI reporter Todd Bishop confirms the story.Update: MSN Search PM Erik Selberg says, "It's a step towards more collaboration between Amazon and Microsoft. It's painfully clear to everyone that the power of Google AdWords and AdSense are on a collision course for Amazon and eBay .... [Google] is a huge threat to Amazon's business."
Update: Danny Sullivan points out that Google ads also have been removed.
搜尋市場大戰加入重量級對手,Amazon的A9及Alexa搜尋也從Google換成新的Microsoft Live搜尋
2006年9月21日 星期四
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